Monday, September 14, 2015

DAY FOURTEEN Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - Teal is the new Pink

It's still September!

Raising the profile of Ovarian Cancer Awareness takes time and energy - and every year I have noticed that there are more people who are getting the word out there about Ovarian Cancer education. Just look at what the consistent awareness has done for Breast Cancer. There is pink everywhere, throughout the year.

I do not want to pit types of cancers against each other, as I have had close friends and known others with pancreatic, brain, esophageal and thyroid cancer. Each type of cancer deserves it's own voice and platform. I appreciate what the ribbon symbol has done for awareness of all types of cancer.

BUT - Ovarian Cancer has taken a toll on my family and we need to keep the awareness going not just for September. I want the same top of mind awareness that we have for breast cancer - you check for lumps monthly, so along with that good your mind every day be MINDFUL of your body.

It's easy and will take ten seconds. You will thank yourself tenfold when you notice something different and take another ten seconds to make an appointment with your physician to troubleshoot the issue. Until there is a true detection process, you have to rely on yourself. #TakeActionNotChances

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