Wednesday, September 9, 2015

DAY NINE Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - Finding Support

As with any side-venture, you will lose a few days here and there when you have a full time job and a holiday weekend! So here we are at Day #9 of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

Over the last six years I have relied on a great online Ovarian Cancer community at The group is sponsored by the National Ovarian Cancer Association but is generated by the many cancer survivors and family members of cancer survivors who are sharing stories of their experiences on the ovarian cancer journey.

The reason I write about this today is because it is important to find a place where you can ask questions, talk to others who have been through a similar experience and find support and hope when you seem to be at a dead end. You need a safe place where you can discuss health topics without there being an alternative motive. 

I have also found that I can offer insight to other women who have been newly diagnosed and feeling very lost in the quagmire of cancer information overload. Mom and I were there once too, especially when talking about all of the chemo drug options, and it makes me feel good knowing that I can offer insight and first hand information. 

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