Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ready for spring

Mom has been taking her Fosamax every week and been tolerating it well. She takes every Wednesday and it catches up with her by Friday and wears her down a little. Her stomach seems to be handling it well too. We went to the Rocky/Galesburg game last night (in Geneseo) and had a good time - she hasn't been to a good basketball game in awhile and wanted to catch Chasson Randle this season. Fortunately - the team won and played well (few instances of missed shots to which mom was quick to criticize... that's where I get that from) so now they are on to Ottawa next Wednesday. Aunt Carol and Gayle are coming in today to see mom and go to lunch at the Victorian Inn.

Mom's last CA 125 count was at 6.3 so it is staying down at a manageable level. From what the doctors say, it will always be there, so as long as it stays down her cancer is being controlled and everything should be fine.

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