Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September: Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!

This is the sixth year that I have been painting my toenails teal each September in honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

It's a small gesture but it gets me to talk about the terrible disease that my mom has been dealing with since 2009 and my cousin Heather has been battling with this summer. It is a simple task for women everywhere to be aware of the sneaky symptoms and take charge of your health and ask questions when you feel something isn't right.

Every year I have the best of intentions to blog each day for the month about Ovarian Cancer, new findings, stories and preventative strategies to make sure the disease doesn't take another life too soon. It has changed my life and the lives of our family so much, I cringe every time I hear of a new diagnosis.

I get a bit of inspiration of things to write from the OCNA 30 Days of Teal Calendar. It's truly not a big deal to take a few minutes out of the day to listen to your body and take action on that nagging in the back of your mind that something is not right and you need to get it checked out. And then get a second opinion! http://www.ovariancancer.org/30days/

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